- Pinterest.com
- DIYnetwork.com & the actual channel (I LOVE Nicole Curtis! She's all about using what you have. Plus she has some really neat tricks, like how to repair veneer using just wood glue and a heavy object - I'll share that one later.)
- HGTV.com & the actual channel
- JossandMain.com
- BetterHomesandGardens.com & the magazine (I also signed up for their emails which are awesome. They do a lot of transformations.)
- A trusty google search
- Friends & family. I come from a creative family. Especially my cousins & I. My grandmother had a basement that was for us 5 granddaughters. Instead of toys it was filled with craft supplies. As a result ALL of us are creative & none of us can afford not to be thrifty! When in doubt I ask my sisters & cousins & my friends! A good portion of my friends are very creative & like me, frugal, whether its because they can't afford not to be or because it was instilled in their core growing up.
- My husband. My husband grew up having to be thrifty, and though he wasn't exactly your coupon clipping guy as a bachelor, marriage & a mortgage took him back to his roots! He always surprises me with the ideas he comes up with or things he finds on the same sites as me that I never saw. If I have a dilemma, he can usually give it a whirl. Plus he's good to have around for my projects that require muscle. Your significant other might surprise you! It never hurts to ask!
- And my Granddaddy. He's been doing this stuff for years and with raising 3 boys had to be thrifty. He's definitely my go to for anything wood or tile related. Carpentry is a hobby and he inherited his father's tile business that he worked until he retired. He still does the occasional tile job when he's not building something for my aunt or helping me on a project. He built a nifty shoe storage system for me, just from a picture my aunt gave him that you'll see in a later post.
Please feel free to share any of your fav inspiration sources!
Stay inspired,
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